Group Details - i3 (i686)

5 packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
i686 Extra i3blocks 1.5-4.0 Define blocks for your i3bar status line 2023-12-08
i686 Community i3-gaps 4.21.1-1.0 A fork of i3wm tiling window manager with more features, including gaps 2022-11-10
i686 Extra i3lock 2.14.1-1.1 Improved screenlocker based upon XCB and PAM 2023-06-04
i686 Extra i3status 2.14-1.0 Generates status bar to use with i3bar, dzen2 or xmobar 2023-06-04
i686 Extra i3-wm 4.23-3.0 Improved dynamic tiling window manager 2024-04-13